Personalized Results
At the Pacella Law, P.C. we work very closely with you in crafting a defense geared to reduce your risk of incarceration, or to reduce the length of any probationary period, with the ultimate goal to get your case dismissed if possible. Attorney Pacella has been advocating for the rights people who have been charged with criminal offenses for over 11 years.
Being charged with a criminal offense can have some serious repercussions that can follow you for years to come. Having a criminal record can affect your ability to get the job of your choice. Certain criminal convictions can interfere with your ability to get school aid or college loans. Criminal Convictions can even prevent you from applying for public housing or remaining in public housing.
The Pacella Law, P.C. handles matters in both the Massachusetts District Courts and Superior Courts, including Plaintiff Personal Injury matters. Whether you have been charged with a crime or involved in a serious Personal Injury Accident, you want a highly qualified attorney to be working on your behalf to resolve your matter.
The Pacella Law, P.C. offers free initial consultations, and affordable payment plans.
The Pacella Law, P.C. represents clients charged with all types of assault crimes, including Assault and Battery, Assault and Battery by way of a Dangerous Weapon, Domestic Assault and Battery involving a family or House Hold Member, Assault and Battery on a person protected by an Abuse and Prevention order, Assault and Battery on a Police Officer or Public Employee, Assault and Battery on a Child under 14 years of age causing bodily injury, Assault and Battery on a Pregnant Woman, Assault and Battery on a Disabled person, Armed Robbery, Unarmed Robbery, Indecent Assault and Battery and Indecent Assault and Battery under the Age of 14. You want a qualified lawyer who will aggressively work for you, by evaluating your case, formulating a defense to reduce your risk of exposure. Some examples are self-defense, coming to the defense of a third party and a mistaken identity, just to name a few.
If you have been charged with Operating a Motor Vehicle under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs, you will need a qualified lawyer even if it’s only your first offense. A first offense OUI carries with a conviction a 45 Day loss of license, and Alcohol Education Program and numerous fees: such as the $250.00 Head Injury fee and the $250.00 Victims of Drunk Driver Fee just to name some of the fees. There can also be jail time associated with an OUI conviction. With a 2nd or 3rd or 4 th or more offense there is mandatory jail time associated with a conviction of those charges along with longer license loss and fees. See our OUI Penalties Page. We also represent clients for Operating of an Uninsured Motor Vehicle, Use of a Motor Vehicle without Authority, Leaving the Scene of a Motor Vehicle Accident, Operating a Motor Vehicle after the Suspension or Revocation of your License, Operating a Motor Vehicle without being Licensed, Operating a Motor Vehicle Negligently or Recklessly as to Endanger, Attaching the Wrong Plates to Conceal Identity, Refusal to Obey a Police Officer.
We represent client with the following charges: Possession of Drug, Possession with Intent to Distribute Drugs, Possession of a drugs in a school zone or public park, Drug Distribution, Drug trafficking and Conspiracy to violate the drug laws.
We defend clients charged with Possession of a Firearm without an FID Card and Possession of Ammunition without an FID Card.
We represent clients in the following theft crimes: Larceny by Stealing Larceny by Stealing from a Person, Larceny of a Motor Vehicle, Buying or Receiving Stolen Property, Shoplifting, Larceny by Stealing from a Building, Embezzlement, Burglary/ Possession of Burglary Tools, Theft of Services.
The Pacella Law, P.C. represents clients in the following charges: Breaking and Entering a building in the Day time to Commit a Felony, Breaking and Entering a building in the Night Time to Commit a Felony, Malicious Destruction of a Motor Vehicle, Destruction of Property, Forgery, Trespass, Uttering.
Restraining Orders and Harassment Orders
Clerk Magistrate Hearings
The Pacella Law, P.C. offers free consultations and there is no fee unless we win at trial or settle your case out of Court in your favor.
Thousands of Massachusetts residents are seriously injured in car accidents every year, which were no fault of their own. A serious car accident has far reaching repercussions. Including serious bodily injuries, such as loss of use of a limb, the loss of an eye, broken bones or even loss of an organ and death as a result of the accident. Recovery may take months or even years for you to return to the position you would have been in if it were not for the accident. In addition to the medical treatment comes the high cost of the treatment. There is also lost wages from being unable to work. In order for you to prevail you must show that the other driver owed you a duty of care and as a result of the drivers negligence you were injured.
Hundreds of motorcyclist are injured every year as a result of inattentive drivers through no fault of their own. Due to the nature of a motorcycles when a rider experiences an accident, the injuries are usually severe as there is less protection afforded to the rider of a motorcycle. Such injuries are often catastrophic and in some cases leading to death.
Commercial trucks are everywhere, they are highly regulated by the Federal Government and State Governments. These regulations control how many hours they may be on the road a day, they set weight limits for cargo and other safety regulation to insure the safety of the traveling public.
If you have been bitten by a dog and seriously injured you may file suit to recover your medical bills and expense for your treatment, including any lost wages.
Contact the Pacella Law, P.C. for your free initial consultation today at (508) 525-4147!